How An Author’s Present Influences The Future in Their Sci-Fi

Sci-Fi or Science Fiction is a genre of speculative fiction, which typically deals with imaginative and futuristic concepts such as advanced science and technology, space exploration, time travel, parallel universes, and extraterrestrial life. Wikipedia Indeed, sci-fi is by far my favorite fiction genre. The “imaginative and futurist” facet is what makes this ilk so immersive and engaging. Yet, when I read some of these books, there areContinue reading “How An Author’s Present Influences The Future in Their Sci-Fi”

The Lost Art of Taking It Slow

I happened to stumble across a couple of articles that revealed some startling numbers. The percentage of US adults diagnosed with clinical depression has shot up by over 10% points in less than ten years. Over 700,000 people worldwide die of suicide every year, with depression being often stated as the underlying cause. Alongside, IContinue reading “The Lost Art of Taking It Slow”

Don Quixote – A Satire That Leaves You Chewing the Cud

As I soldiered on this tedious, oft-digressing, oft-drivel disquisition of a self-professed “knight-errant,” I all but threw this tome away. I failed to comprehend the aim of the book. Very often I found myself bemused as to who, if there is one, is the protagonist. Is it the quixotic (I later learned this word isContinue reading “Don Quixote – A Satire That Leaves You Chewing the Cud”