Bourbon Ad…. in Rajani.. err.. Redthil istyle

Dedicated to our SUPERSTAR – Senthil a.k.a Redthil, an ardent lover of Bourbon biscuits… Hope you like it Thalai… 🙂

It was just another day, just another evening having our tea in leisure when my friend Mr Senthil Kumar Chinnappa (popularly known as Redthil) came with handful of bourbon biscuits in hand, and as usual quoted his most popular lines “I AM ON DIET… YOU SEE… WHAT TO DO…. I AM A POOR KID”.… that was the first stone laid in the foundation for one of  the best ads of the century….

It goes like this….

Redthil, the POOR KID would be lurching his way through a forest. He would be impecunious and frail. He would be trying to keep up his stamina when all of a sudden from nowhere…. a bunch of robbers appear and ask our poor kid to hand over whatever he has. At which, what did our thalai (just in case u are confused… this is another name of Redthil) do??

….. No he neither gave whatever he had nor tried any ways of escape…. what he did was something unusual…

Thalai, the superstar swinged his hand behind (in Rajani style.. I say) and retrieved…. WHAT!!!!

No.. definitely not a sword…. but a packet of BOURBON.… 😀

He threw it in the sky… upon which the packet opened by itself and the bourbons lined down into Redthil’s mouth…. After showing the entire packet the way to his stomach, our super hero was all ready to show the robbers their way to heaven….

Suddenly our feeble thalai transforms into a strong, flamboyant super hero…. Now dont imagine those typical super hero types… Our thalai is different. He is a South Indian super hero….

So Thalai’s makeover is like this…. A bright blue lungi with a red net and not to forget a belt…. and of course how can we forget those thick gold chains, fingers sparkling with gold rings…. and icing on the cake.. a dark goggles…

With this dynamic personality, Thalai points out his golden finger at the thuds and says…. “MIND IT”…. and no points for guessing, the thuds disappeared…..

That was illusory…. but what happened next day was reality…. BOURBON DISAPPEARED FROM THE PANTRY FOREVER…. Might be because of the popularity and demand, Bourbon got because of our ad… 😛  Now its up to the readers to decide!!!!

“Three Cheers to Redthil and Bourbon”

A day of Gains….

Today fifth of August happens to be Shravan Poornima, the full moon in the month of Shravan.  Today is the day which celebrates the relationship between brothers and sisters. Its Raksha Bandhan – a day when a small thread  strengthens the bond between two individuals.

The festival is marked by the tying of a rakhi, or holy thread by the sister on the wrist of her brother. It is a day when the siblings pray for each others’ well being and wish for each others’ happiness and goodwill.

The name ‘Raksha Bandhan’ suggests ‘a bond of protection’. On this auspicious day, brothers make a promise to their sisters to protect them from all harms and troubles and the sisters pray to God to protect their brother from all evil.

It is not necessary that the rakhi can be given only to a brother by birth; any male can be “adopted” as a brother by tying a rakhi on the person, whether they are cousins or a good friend.

After this intro on significance of Rakhi, here is some interesting trivia –

  • Rakhis are consecrated in rice and grass before they are given, and are traditionally tied to people familiar with the Vedas…. (I wonder how familiar are the people to whom I tied rakhi… 😉 )
  • The rakhi is believed to remove sin from one hand and provide safety to the other…. (Mukund and Harsha.. plz thank me for removing sin from your hand… 😛 )

Being the only child of my parents, I have always longed for a elder brother with whom I can share my thoughts, who will always be there to guide me, and with whom I can quarrel as well.

Today happens to be a very profitable day in my life since I have earned not one but two brothers.

Mukund – A elder one, with whom as I said earlier  share my thoughts, a great mentor, but yes cannot quarrel (not because of respect for him but because he is already scared of me 😀 .. so no question of quarrelling).

Harsha -And just like one of the Buy 1 Get 1 offers we get to hear these days, even here I got a free younger brother with a elder one. A great friend, very empathetic, quite sensible (I get to learn this from him sometimes….) guy.

Thanks Mukund and Harsha for making this day so special for me…. 🙂

Few lines to thank you guys(which definitely is not my creation.. ;-))…

Its a small thread that has traveled a long way.

From pulling each other’s leg, to growing into best of the friends….

Today its paused, at another milestone,

on the journey of friendship and love….

May this small thread bind us forever

Retirement Blues….

Today during a casual talk during lunch, a brilliant plan for securing our old age coupled with enjoying life after retirement, maintaining health with good hygienic food was born. It happened so that one of my friend had cooked some amazing paneer rolls (bet it was more tastier and healthier than what you would get outside), tasting which we suggested her to start this as a business; and then guess what…. VOILA!!!! Our new business was born….

One of my other friend suggested that she is good at cutting vegetables, see now we have a assistant Chef….

I said, I am interested in investing in this business venture…. mainly because the returns are high (both in terms of money and appetite), hence wanted the post of CFO over which I had to face dissent from another friend as she was also contending for the same post. Hope we sort this out before our retirement 😛

Now for the best and the most vital part of any business – A CUSTOMER….

Guess what, we have arranged for that as well. Another friend of ours has agreed to visit us everyday and enjoy the food, but now I wonder, she never spoke of paying for it???

With all these perfectly in place, we are all set to enjoy our Retirement Days…. with Roti (Food served at our place), Paisa (Money which I.. err.. We get in our business) and Makaan (our shop)….

Heartiest Welcome to All!!!!!!

Smile or not to Smile!!!!????

Shipra works in a reputed IT firm as a consultant. She is a very competent, dynamic young lady with a elegant smile. She was with the belief that wearing a smile on face makes the day more beautiful and successful until one day she came across a predicament because of the conflicting opinions of  two of her colleagues….

Plight 1 (Phillips) : He is leading one of the most prolific projects of the firm  which Shipra is a part of. Basically a cheerful, handsome guy who wears not just a smile but a laugh on his face, popular among his colleagues because of his achievements in a short span of  career, but somewhat self-centered and snobbish. He calls up Shipra for a meeting to appraise her work in the project. Shipra comes in with the intention of hearing appreciative words about her work. But what she gets is completely different. Phillips comments that since she speaks with a smile, he is not able to take her viewpoints / suggestions seriously and that her smile “provokes” him to laugh. She is advised not to smile while speaking!!!!????

Plight 2 (Shivam): Another guy in the firm with the same caliber as Phillips but by nature a soft-spoken, empathetic person. Shipra happened to work in a project, led by him. Once when addressing the project team, Shivam hints that Shipra is the strongest person in his team. When asked why, he says “Even after working for a enduring  10-12 hours a day at a stretch, it difficult to find a person going home with a smile as sweet as it was while coming for work; and that makes Shipra a special person.” He advises her to keep smiling!!!!????

Now given two different views, Shipra is in doubt whether she is right or wrong????

According to me, too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. A genuine, infectious smile that can make a bad date turn good, seal a business deal, and help you make friends wherever you go. Smile is sometimes considered as an individual’s weakness; which to my opinion is wrong; a smile is one such thing which has the potential to make even the toughest of the toughest to do what you intend them to do.

But yes, a smile should be accompanied with a correct body language; if not it may lead to people taking you casually (again that depends on the other person).

So keep smiling and light up this world with your smile. 🙂

As a famous saying goes –

“Frown and you frown alone, but smile and the whole world smiles with you.”

Disclaimer: The characters mentioned in this article are fictitious; Any resemblence to individual, directly or indirectly is coincidence.

Hello world!

As I sit wondering what to do…. determined to do something new, which I have never ventured into before…. a thought of trying out my writing skills just passes by….

So here I am learning to swim in this ocean of bloggers…. Hope I enjoy this new experience and atleast be a small fish in this ocean….